I/O load balancing fails during Storage DRS invocation
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I/O load balancing fails during Storage DRS invocation


Article ID: 334669


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VMware vSphere ESXi


When you attempt to create a datastore cluster, the vSphere Storage DRS faults page displays the following error:
Could not run I/O load balancing due to mis-configuration or insufficient information, during Storage DRS invocation”

This occurs when there is a lack of connectivity from hosts to datastores and that eventually disables I/O load balancing.


VMware vSphere ESXi 5.5


You must resolve the partial connectivity from hosts to datastores. If the connectivity cannot be restored, perform the following steps to disable I/O load balancing:
  1. Select the datastore cluster from the inventory list.
  2. Click Manage, and then click Settings.
  3. Select Storage DRS and click Edit.
  4. Deselect the Enable I/O metric for SDRS recommendations check box.
  5. Click OK.

When the connectivity is restored, Storage DRS automatically performs I/O load balancing without any further input.