Attaching a Host Profile to a Host fails with error :A host profile is attached to the cluster. Hosts within such a cluster need to have the same profile attached to them
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Attaching a Host Profile to a Host fails with error :A host profile is attached to the cluster. Hosts within such a cluster need to have the same profile attached to them


Article ID: 334627


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VMware vSphere ESXi


  • A Change Host Profile operation on a host fails.
  • Attaching a Host Profile to a host fails.
  • You see the error:

    A host profile is attached to the cluster. Hosts within such a cluster need to have the same profile attached to them.


VMware vSphere ESXi 5.0


When a Host Profile is attached to a cluster, the host or hosts within that cluster are also automatically attached to that Host Profile. You cannot attach a new Host Profile to a host that is part of a cluster that already has a Host Profile attached.


If you want to attach a new Host Profile to a host that is part of a cluster which has an attached Host Profile, you must first detach the Host Profile from the cluster. After this, you can attach the new Host Profile to the host.

Note: When you detach a Host Profile from the cluster, the Host Profile is disassociated from the all the hosts in the cluster.

To detach a Host Profile from the cluster:
  1. Right-click the Cluster.
  2. Navigate to All vCenter Actions > Host Profiles.
  3. Click Detach Host Profile and follow the prompts:

    Follow these steps to attach a Host Profile to a host or a cluster:

    1. From the Profile List in the Host Profiles main view, select the Host Profile to be applied to a host or cluster.
    2. Click the Attach/Detach Hosts and clusters icon.
    3. Select the host or cluster from the expanded list and click Attach.
    4. Click Next.
    5. Click Finish to complete attaching the host or cluster to the profile.

For more information, see the Host Profiles guide.