Host Profile does not get applied after the first reboot of the ESXi host and gets stuck at 22% and times out
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Host Profile does not get applied after the first reboot of the ESXi host and gets stuck at 22% and times out


Article ID: 334501


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


  • ESXi host stuck at 22% when applying host profile.
  • Re-applying the host profile to the ESXi host manually work fine without error.
  • In the syslog, you see entries similar to:
2017-MM-DDT01:40:26Z 2017-MM-DD 01: 40:26,153 Host Profiles[630565]: ERROR: Exception while applying host config. Exception: (LocalizedException) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
msg = <unset>,
faultCause = <unset>,
faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [
(LocalizableMessageWithPath) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
key = 'com.vmware.vim.profile.applyHostConfigError.LikewiseDomainJoinFailed',
arg = (vmodl.KeyAnyValue) [
(vmodl.KeyAnyValue) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
key = 'operation',
value = 'joining new domain via username and password.'
(vmodl.KeyAnyValue) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
dynamicProperty = (vmod
2017-06-01T01:40:26Z 2017-06-01 01: l.DynamicProperty) [],
key = 'joinStatus',
value = 'failed'
message = u'Likewise (ActiveDirectory) Domain Join operation failed while joining new domain via username and password..'


VMware vSphere ESXi 6.0


This issue occurs if the host does not join the domain while applying the host profile for the first time after the reboot.


VMware is aware of this issue and is working to resolve this in a future release.

To work around the issue, re-apply host profile to the ESXi host manually.

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