Understanding the Apache Tomcat JMX Service URL
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Understanding the Apache Tomcat JMX Service URL


Article ID: 334229


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VMware Aria Suite


The JMX Service URL is the connection string that is used to connect the Apache Tomcat Management Pack to the target system. In general, the URL will look something like the following:

service:jvm:rmi:///jndi/rmi://<IP or Hostname of server>:<JMX Port>/jmxrmi

Here are the components of the URL:
  • service - a constant (this will always stay the same).
  • jmx:rmi - the service type composed of: abstract type jmx and URL scheme rmi

The URL piece is broken down into:

  • /jndi/ - This tells the JMX client that it can get lookup information at the location that follows:
  • rmi://<TARGET_MACHINE>:<RMI_REGISTRY_PORT>/jmxrmi - We get information about the JMX RMI Server at the RMI registry, under the lookup key jmxrmi

(paraphrased from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2768087/explain-jmx-url)


VMware vRealize True Visibility Suite 1.0