1. Validate the “Target” or connection point.
Each of our MP’s use a different connection point for metric collection. The target can be identified within each MP’s install guide.
Validate the target by logging into it with another means other than our MP or the MP’s test connection.
2. Validate the connection protocol is select used.
This can be accomplished the same way as validating the target in #1. This will also be documented in each MP’s install guide.
3. Validate credentials.
To Validate the credentials used for the adapter instance you can use the same method as in #1 and #2. Use the targets username and password from the adapter instance to log into the target. If the user has access you should be able to verify this by viewing metrics or configuration information within the target. The user access rights required for connection is documented within each MP’s install guide.
4. Validate the Collector.
Within the “Advanced” properties drop down you are able to specify which collector in the cluster is performing collection. For certain MP’s special configurations are required such as a Windows node. Ensure the correct collector is specified.
5. Validate Network Connectivity.
Validation of network connectivity can be established by running various commands from the vROps console, depending on the target connectivity is trying to be established on. For most MP’s a ping will work. Some MP’s such as Nexus require a snmp walk. This is all dependent on the protocol that is used for connection. Protocols specific to each MP can be found within the user guide.