NetApp API Services most common Breakpoints
1. OCPM lost connection to OCUM (Verify both OCUM and OCPM are displayed within API Services admin console)
2. Non identical credentials for OCUM DB user within OCUM or OCPM
a. (Both users must be identical, username and password)
3. Event Publisher password not entered correctly during connection to OCUM from OCPM. (verify user and password within OCUM)
b. (No warning within OCPM console if password is not correct)
4. API Services performance - If there are not enough resources dedicated to API Services it can cause timeouts and unstable collection. Check performance within the vSphere host.
If after user and connection verification has taken place and still unable to collect. Restart API services VM, then restart at #1.
If still unable to collect reboot OCUM, OCPM, API Services, then restart at #1.