vROps 7.5 and newer versions of 7.0 removes Debug as an option when setting the root logger level to capture debug logs. We have a workaround but it requires SSH access. You can modify the log4j.properties file to manually enable debugging or you can use this command below:
sed -i '/log4j.rootLogger=.*/c\log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG,fileAppender' $ALIVE_BASE/user/conf/collector/log4j.properties
No restarts are required for the above method, just run the command inside of a SSH session and the logs will be in debug.
NOTE: This command does not work on 8.x because the log4j file was renamed.
IMPORTANT: To set the root logger back to warning, you can do that through the UI. Just go into the Collectors folder where you would normally change the root logger level before the update and hit OK. It will overwrite the log4j file with the settings they were using before you changed them. If you have any questions about this please reach out to support.