Guide to the Front LED Status Light of a VMware SD-WAN Edge
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Guide to the Front LED Status Light of a VMware SD-WAN Edge


Article ID: 333934


Updated On: 06-05-2024


VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud


This article aims to be a guide to the front LED status light on the tabletop version of the VMware SD-WAN Edge.  This includes Edge models 500, 510, 5x0 (520/540), and the 6x0 line.  For the 500 and 5x0 (520/540), this light is shaped like a cloud.  For the 510 and 6x0 line (610, 620, 640, and 680), this light is a simple LED.

The first part will cover the five possible LED colors.

In the second part, we provide a table that decodes what each color means in combination with whether the light is solid or flashing on/off.


The tabletop VMware SD-WAN Edge models can display 5 different LED colors:
  • Blue
  • White
  • Red
  • Green
  • Yellow
Below you can find how each LED looks like for both the 510 and 5x0 (520/540):

Edge model 510 and 6x0 (610, 620, 640, and 680):

The LED may naturally look cyan / light blue
The LED is deep blue.
Bright Red color.
Very bright and deep green color.
The LED may naturally appear as a light green,
as opposed to the vibrant green shown previously.

Edge model 5x0 (520, 540):

The cloud may have a few portion in light blue.
The rest will be white.    
Deep blue light all throughout.
Red color.
Bright and vibrant green color.
The LED may naturally appear as a pale green,
compared to the actual green light.

Note: These pictures were all taken in a well lit room using different levels of exposure and focus. This was done to capture the color as close to the human eye as possible.



LED Status codes:

ColorWhen(*)MeaningPlatformsNotes / Exceptions
Solid WhitePowering OnEdge powering up.500, 510, 5X0, 610, 6x0The 500 has an initial delay of about 10 seconds without a light.
Flashing RedPowering OnUnable to boot software.510, 5X0, 610, 6x0 
Pulsing BluePowering OnUnit will be hard-reset to factory software and configuration.510, 5X0, 610, 6x0Hold reset button until cloud is flashing blue.
Flashing WhiteBooting UpEdge Software Initialization (bootup) in progress.510, 5X0, 610, 6x0 
Pulsing BlueBooting UpEdge Software and Configuration being reset.510, 5X0, 610, 6x0On the 500, the LED will show solid white for a few seconds, and then flash blue.
Pulsing BlueOperatingEdge Activation Software Update in progress.500, 510, 5X0, 610, 6x0 
Flashing WhiteOperating"Identify" operation in progress.500, 510, 5X0, 610, 6x060 seconds only.
Solid RedOperatingNo Internet Connectivity or reboot/shutdown in progress500, 510, 5X0, 610, 6x0Note: When an Edge is booting up, there will be a ~30 second period when the LED is solid red. This temporary loss of internet connectivity is the result of the Edge dataplane service loading as part of the boot process. The dataplane controls the Edge's routed interfaces, and until that service loads, Edge's interfaces will be down and not able to use the connected WAN link(s).
Solid YellowOperatingLimited Internet Connectivity500, 510, 5X0, 610, 6x0Internet connectivity but deactivated or unable to reach VeloCloud gateway service.
Solid GreenOperatingFull Internet Connectivity, device activated and communicating to the VCO (Velocloud gateway)500, 510, 5X0, 610, 6x0Internet and VeloCloud gateway connectivity.
Solid BlueOperatingStandby mode in High-Availability configuration.500, 510, 5X0, 610, 6x0 

"Power On:"        The unit has just been powered on
"Booting Up:"      The unit has located its software and is initializing itself
"Operating:"         The unit has initialized its software and is operational

ColorWhen(*)MeaningPlatformNotes / Exceptions
Solid YellowOperatingUSB modem inserted but not connected 500 
Solid GreenOperatingUSB modem inserted and connected to the Internet500 

WIFI Access Point LED
ColorWhen(*)MeaningPlatformNotes / Exceptions
Solid GreenOperatingWifi Access point broadcasting500 

Port LEDs (RJ45 and SFP)
PlatformRJ-45 Left sideRJ-45 Right sideSFP Left sideSFP Right sideNotes
Edge 510Blinking GREEN (all link speeds)Solid AMBER = 1000bT
Solid GREEN = 100bT
N/AN/AThe "AMBER" color on the RJ-45 is more like "orange" color
Edge 5x0Blinking GREEN (all link speeds)Solid AMBER = 1000bT
OFF = 100bT
Flashing GREEN: 1GbpsOFFThe "AMBER" color on the RJ-45 is more like "orange" color
Edge 840Blinking YELLOW (all link speeds)Solid AMBER = 1000bT
Solid GREEN = 100bT
 Blinking GREEN (all link speeds)The "AMBER" color on the RJ-45 is more like "orange/red" color
Edge 610Solid GREEN = 1000bT
Solid AMBER = 100bT
Blinking GREEN (all link speeds) Blinking GREEN (all link speeds) 
Edge 6x0Solid GREEN = 1000bT
Solid AMBER = 100bT
Blinking GREEN (all link speeds) Blinking GREEN (all link speeds)1Gbps on SFPs should show a link color of yellow. This is a known issue.
Edge 2000Solid AMBER = 1000bT
Solid GREEN = 100bT
Blinking YELLOW (all link speeds)Top LED Blinking GREEN: all speeds
Bottom LED Solid YELLOW: 1Gbps
Bottom LED Solid GREEN 10Gbps
Top/Bottom only 
Edge 3x00Solid GREEN = 1000bT
Solid AMBER = 100bT
Blinking GREEN (all link speeds)Top LED SFP3/4 Solid YELLOW: 1Gbps
Top LED SFP3/4 GREEN: 10Gbps
Bottom LED SFP3/4 Blinking GREEN: All speeds
SFP 1/2 is a Single Arrow LED:
Blinking YELLOW: 1Gbps
Blinking GREEN: 10 Gbps
The 3x00 has a different SFP LED configuration for the NDC (SFP3/4) and the motherboard (SFP1/2) ports.

Additional Information

This article does not cover the rack mounted Edge models--i.e. the 840, 1000, 2000, 3x00 models. These Edge models do not make use of the front LEDs.