Occasionally GE 1 - 4 interfaces on SD-WAN Edge 620, 640, or 680 disappear after software upgrade until rebooted
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Occasionally GE 1 - 4 interfaces on SD-WAN Edge 620, 640, or 680 disappear after software upgrade until rebooted


Article ID: 333915


Updated On:


VMware VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud


  • After a reboot of a VMware SD-WAN Edge 620, 640 or 680, the network interfaces GE1 through GE4 may be inoperative.
  • The interfaces stays down, with no link lights.
  • A reboot clears up this condition immediately, and everything returns to normal.
  • This may also happen after a software upgrade of the Edge since it involves a reboot.
  • Since GE1 is commonly used as a High Availability (HA) interface, HA would be down as a result (Standby failed state).  


VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud


Rebooting the Edge will clear up this situation, and GE1 - GE4 will come back up normally.

  • Navigate to Diagnostics
  • Click on Remote Actions
  • Select the affected Edges
  • Click "Reboot"

Alternatively, perform a complete power cycle by disconnecting the Edge's power supply, wait 20 seconds, then reconnect the power.

If the issue persists after these fixes, contact support by following this article: VMware SD-WAN – Support

Additional Information

The fixes involve a reboot or power cycle of the Edge, which may cause a brief service interruption. Consider scheduling a maintenance window to perform the fix.