Installing PowerCLI by using the command-line interface
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Installing PowerCLI by using the command-line interface


Article ID: 333524


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


If you install PowerCLI by using the command-line interface, all PowerCLI components are automatically installed.


To install only the PowerCLI core component, you must use the INSTALLLEVEL property.
In the command-line prompt, navigate to the folder that contains the vSphere PowerCLI installer file you downloaded and use the following syntax.
VMware-PowerCLI-version_number-build_number.exe /S /V"INSTALLLEVEL=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn"
Note: The value of the INSTALLLEVEL property defines which components are installed. If you install the vCloud PowerCLI component, the PowerCLI core component is also installed.
ComponentINSTALLLEVEL Property Value
PowerCLI core1
vCloud PowerCLI200