Server tool is not available
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Server tool is not available


Article ID: 333253


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


When clicking on a notification from the SAM Console in Watch4net GUI The option to use The Server tool is greyed out:

However in the Smarts Console itself it is available


Watch4Net/M&R - 7.x

Smarts - 10.1.x


  • There was no problem with the MnR or the SAM set-up.
  • The Notifications on the MnR Console are based on the feeds which had the FQDN of the Presentation SAM - "**************" for the smarts-edaa
  • When verified, the FQDN address when used in the Browser was not reachable. The URL : http://*************** was erroring out with the "Unknown host exception".
  • Because of this issue, the Smarts Server tools, as well as the Notification Properties window (when launched from Notification window) was having errors. - The Notification Properties window too showed the same error of "unknown host exception : **************" .


Contact you network team to resolve issue of "Unknown host exception".