When clicking on a notification from the SAM Console in Watch4net GUI The option to use The Server tool is greyed out:
However in the Smarts Console itself it is available
Watch4Net/M&R - 7.x
Smarts - 10.1.x
There was no problem with the MnR or the SAM set-up.
The Notifications on the MnR Console are based on the feeds which had the FQDN of the Presentation SAM - "**************" for the smarts-edaa
When verified, the FQDN address when used in the Browser was not reachable. The URL : http://*************** was erroring out with the "Unknown host exception".
Because of this issue, the Smarts Server tools, as well as the Notification Properties window (when launched from Notification window) was having errors. - The Notification Properties window too showed the same error of "unknown host exception : **************" .
Contact you network team to resolve issue of "Unknown host exception".