If a Dynamic Extend fails for my Datacom/AD database, will my application stop running?
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If a Dynamic Extend fails for my Datacom/AD database, will my application stop running?


Article ID: 33314


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Datacom DATACOM - AD Datacom/AD


If a Dynamic Extend fails for my Datacom/AD database, will my application stop running?



Release: 15.1


With normal processing of Datacom /AD, if an application data or index area reaches 100% full, that area will be dynamically extended. However, if the file has 16 extents, or there is not enough room on the current volume to add another extent, this process will fail. What happens next depends on a few factors.

If the data or index area cannot be extended, read activity or update-in-place activity will continue normally, but any inserts for new records, or updated records that need to be moved to a new location will fail. For many of the Broadcom applications using Datacom /AD as their data store, this could cause an interruption in business processing.

If the file is not yet at 16 extents and there is some space on the volume – even if the desired amount is not available – it is possible to perform a directed Dynamic Extend for that amount and allow processing to continue for a time.

Please refer to Article 45305, titled "Enabling Dynamic Extend for Datacom areas" for more information about this directed dynamic extend process.

Additional Information

For more information about the Extend process, please refer to the following sections in the Datacom documentation:

Creating and Maintaining Index Areas (IXX)

Creating and Maintaining Data Areas

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom if you have further questions.