How do I define a new user in CA XCOM Management Center?
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How do I define a new user in CA XCOM Management Center?


Article ID: 33307


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How do I define a new user in CA XCOM Management Center?



- Logon to Management Center with the userid you defined in EEM
- If you are the first user to logon, it will add you automatically to the Management Center database and you will be an Administrator.
- You can add another user to Management Center by:
  a. Click on the Admin tab
  b. Click on the "Process Users" link on the left side of the screen
  c. Click on the "Add new users" button on right of the screen
  d. Enter a userid in the "User Name" field and check the Super Admin box if you want the user to be Administrator.
  e. Check the box in the "Select" column and then click on the "SAVE ALL" button. 
  Note: If you click on the "New" link, it will add a new entry for you to add more users.


Component: XCMWIN