Interface utilization calculation
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Interface utilization calculation


Article ID: 332964


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VMware Smart Assurance


Where are calculations made for a devices Interface utilization values when using the Smarts SP within M&R?
  • Are they made within the Smarts SP of M&R?
  • Or are they calculated within Smarts and in turn made available to the Smarts Collector within M&R?


Watch4Net/M&R - 7.x
Smarts - 10.1.x


1). Smarts will calculate a devices interface utilization and make this calculation available for collection.
2). To calculate a devices Interface utilization Smarts will use incrementing counters (either 32 or 64 bit). With this information it will pre-format and make the values available via the API as a rate (which is the difference between two points in time).

3). The Smarts Collector within M&R will then Collect these values from Smarts. There is no further calculation made within M&R on these Interface utilization values.