How to delete a stage from an Environment in an Endevor life cycle
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How to delete a stage from an Environment in an Endevor life cycle


Article ID: 33293


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Endevor is configured with three Environments and uses the following map: 
DEV stage 1  => DEV stage 2  => TEST stage 1  => TEST stage 2  => PROD stage 2 
Currently not using TEST stage 2  and would like to delete it. 




Things to consider about Endevor life cycle mapping:

  • The entry point into an Environment can be either Stage 1 or Stage 2. 
  • The exit stage for an Environment must always be Stage 2.

This means that if a stage is eliminated from an Endevor life cycle map, it must be Stage 1 of the Environment.

  1. First move all the elements out of the stage to be deleted.     
  2.  In this example, move all elements out of TEST stage 1. 
  3. After the stage is empty, change the C1DEFLTS table to:
    • In the ENVRNMNT macro of the Environment before the Environment the stage is being deleted from, update the NEXTENV keyword to point to stage 2.     
    •   In this example, change the NEXTENV keyword in the DEV ENVRNMNT to (TEST,2).
    • In the ENVRNMNT macro of the Environment the stage is being deleted from, update the ENTRYSTG# keyword changing it from 1 to 2    
    • The Stage 1 keywords: STG1ID= , STG1NME= , STG1TTL= , and STG1VSM= ,  even though not used, must be defined in the ENVRNMNT macro of the Environment the stage is being deleted from. They can be dummy entries.

NOTE:  The MCF data set specified in STG1VSM must be allocated. It can be defined as a one track file.  

    • If necessary, change the STG2NME and STG2ID keywords in the ENVRNMNT macro of the Environment the stage is being deleted from so any Processor logic depending on &C1STAGE or &C1STGID does not have to be updated.       
  1.  Assemble and link the updated C1DEFLTS table