When we try to run a simple script using Run SSH command with password based authentication, it fails with 'Unable to connect to the remote SSH host' error.
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When we try to run a simple script using Run SSH command with password based authentication, it fails with 'Unable to connect to the remote SSH host' error.


Article ID: 33289


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CA Process Automation Base



                    When we try to run a simple script using Run SSH command with password based authentication it keeps failing with following error:

                    Unable to connect to the remote SSH host.class com.sshtools.j2ssh.transport.kex.KeyExchangeException No suitable key

                    exchange algorithm could be agreed.

                    We have verified the SSH connectivity through PUTTY client using same login details.


                    The error message clearly states that key based authentication is  failing and there  is no reference to password authentication which is due to

                    the fact  that key based authentication will be the default authentication on *NIX hosts.

                    In order to enable to password based authentication please make sure 'PasswordAuthentication' is set to yes' in '/etc/ssh/sshd.conf'.


                    Note: For information on setting the user command prompt in the "Run SSH Command" operator please refer below technical document




























































































Release: ITPASA99000-4.3-Process Automation-Add On License for-CA Server Automation