Watch4net/Vipr SRM: Real time grapher not allowing selection of the agent. Error: "SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet RealTimeGrapherServlet threw exception"
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Watch4net/Vipr SRM: Real time grapher not allowing selection of the agent. Error: "SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet RealTimeGrapherServlet threw exception"


Article ID: 332856


Updated On:




The real time grapher is not allowing selection of an agent which has been verified. The only error regarding the RTG is displayed in the local host logs as follows:

SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet RealTimeGrapherServlet threw exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.setXIncludeAware(Z)V
at com.watch4net.apg.v2.pollerAPI.configuration.PollerConfigurationHelper.getSnmpPollingDistributionParser(
at com.watch4net.apg.v2.pollerAPI.configuration.PollerConfigurationHelper.readSnmpPollingDistributionFile(
at com.watch4net.apg.v2.gui.servlet.grapher.DistributionFileAgentFinder.findByName(
at com.watch4net.apg.v2.gui.servlet.RealTimeGrapherServlet.findAgentByName(
at com.watch4net.apg.v2.gui.servlet.RealTimeGrapherServlet.doSnmpAgentOperation(
at com.watch4net.apg.v2.gui.servlet.RealTimeGrapherServlet.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(


VMware Smart Assurance - Watch4Net/M&R


The issue occurs in Watch4net 6.5u5 and earlier, when selecting a valid agent the following is displayed:

An error occurred selecting agent <##.#.##.##>. No license found.


The issue is resolved in Watch4net 6.6u2. However, this version is part of SAS. You can extract the packages needed to resolve the issue from Vipr SRM 3.7sp1.

  1. The following 5 packages resolve the issue. Perform the update on a test/QA environment before doing it in production.
    • frontend-6.6u3-linux-x64.pkg
    • frontend-report-generator-6.6u3-linux-x64.pkg
    • frontend-search-6.6u3-linux-x64.pkg
    • frontend-ws-6.6u3-linux-x64.pkg
    • administration-tool-1.4u2-linux-x64.pkg
  2. Unzip the files and place them in the following folder: /opt/APG/Tools/Module-Repository.
  3. After placing the files in the folder do the following:
    1. Update tomcat with the following command from /opt/APG/bin

      ./ service update tomcat Default
    2. Restart tomcat with the following command from opt/APG/bin

      ./ service restart tomcat Default

    3. Update task-scheduler with the following command from /opt/APG/bin

      ./ service update task-scheduler Default

    4. Restart task-scheduler with the following command from /opt/APG/bin

      ./ service restart task-scheduler Default

  4. Once the packages are updated, and the services are restarted, you should be in the fixed version and should be able to select the agent.