Privileged Identity Manager diagnostic information for UNIX/LINUX Endpoint.
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Privileged Identity Manager diagnostic information for UNIX/LINUX Endpoint.


Article ID: 33282


Updated On:


CA Virtual Privilege Manager CA Privileged Identity Management Endpoint (PIM) CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)



How do you generate diagnostic information about a UNIX/LINUX endpoint?


Release: ACP1M005900-12.9-Privileged Identity Manager



Privileged Identity Manager "" utility collects information to help CA Support.

If you include the CA Privileged Identity Manager database in the snapshot, the Support utility
stops the product before it snapshots the database and restarts the product when the snapshot is complete.

.For instance, on UNIX (Solaris):

/opt/CA/AccessControl/lbin/ -all
CA ControlMinder secons v12.81.0.1912 - Console utility
Copyright (c) 2013 CA. All rights reserved.
WARNING: CA ControlMinder security daemon is running.
Shutting down CA ControlMinder security daemon.
CA ControlMinder secons v12.81.0.1912 - Console utility
Copyright (c) 2013 CA. All rights reserved.
CA ControlMinder is now DOWN !
CA ControlMinder dbmgr v12.81.0.1912 - Database to Script Dump
Copyright (c) 2013 CA. All rights reserved.
Gathering version info of CA ControlMinder binaries, this may take a minute
CA ControlMinder seversion v12.81.0.1912 - Display module's version

Copyright (c) 2013 CA. All rights reserved.

Running under:  SUN Solaris
Compressing support file, this may take a moment
Support file complete, please send the file
to CA support personnel.  The file is located in the /opt/CA/AccessControl
Restarting the CA ControlMinder daemons for you.
24 Aug 2015 12:15:55> WAKE_UP : Server going up
24 Aug 2015 12:15:55> INFO    : Filter mask: 'WATCHDOG*' is registered
24 Aug 2015 12:15:55> INFO    : Filter mask: 'INFO    : Setting PV*' is registered
24 Aug 2015 12:15:55> INFO    : Filter mask: 'INFO    : DB*' is registered
24 Aug 2015 12:15:55> INFO    : Filter mask: '*seosd.trace*' is registered
24 Aug 2015 12:15:55> INFO    : Filter mask: '*FILE*secons*(*/log/*)*' is registered
Starting seosd. PID = 25713.
# Checking database ...
Starting seagent. PID = 25741
seagent: Loading database image...
Starting seoswd. PID = 25744
seagent: Initialization phase completed
And here the output result:
# ls -l /opt/CA/AccessControl/*.tar.Z
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root     59258605 Aug 24 12:13 /opt/CA/AccessControl/support_hostname.201508241155EDT.tar.Z
.For instance, on LINUX:

# /opt/CA/AccessControl/lbin/ -all
CA ControlMinder secons v12.81.0.1912 - Console utility
Copyright (c) 2013 CA. All rights reserved.
WARNING: CA ControlMinder security daemon is running.
Shutting down CA ControlMinder security daemon.
CA ControlMinder secons v12.81.0.1912 - Console utility
Copyright (c) 2013 CA. All rights reserved.
CA ControlMinder is now DOWN !
CA ControlMinder dbmgr v12.81.0.1912 - Database to Script Dump
Copyright (c) 2013 CA. All rights reserved.
Gathering version info of CA ControlMinder binaries, this may take a minute
CA ControlMinder seversion v12.81.0.1912 - Display module's version

Copyright (c) 2013 CA. All rights reserved.

Running under:  Linux
Compressing support file, this may take a moment
Support file complete, please send the file
to CA support personnel.  The file is located in the /opt/CA/AccessControl
Restarting the CA ControlMinder daemons for you.
24 Aug 2015 12:25:07> WAKE_UP : Server going up
24 Aug 2015 12:25:07> INFO    : Filter mask: 'WATCHDOG*' is registered
24 Aug 2015 12:25:07> INFO    : Filter mask: 'INFO    : Setting PV*' is registered
24 Aug 2015 12:25:07> INFO    : Filter mask: 'INFO    : DB*' is registered
24 Aug 2015 12:25:07> INFO    : Filter mask: '*seosd.trace*' is registered
24 Aug 2015 12:25:07> INFO    : Filter mask: '*FILE*secons*(*/log/*)*' is registered
Starting seosd. PID = 7537.
# Checking database ...
Starting seagent. PID = 7540
seagent: Loading database image...
Starting seoswd. PID = 7545
seagent: Initialization phase completed
And here the output result:
# ls -l /opt/CA/AccessControl/*.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 307464 Aug 24 12:25 /opt/CA/AccessControl/support_hostname.201508241225CEST.tar.gz