Cannot configure Array Managers using Hitachi SRA when the SRA and Hitachi Raid Manager are installed in different drives
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Cannot configure Array Managers using Hitachi SRA when the SRA and Hitachi Raid Manager are installed in different drives


Article ID: 332644


Updated On:


VMware Live Recovery


  • Cannot configure Array Managers using Hitachi Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) that is installed on a different drive than the Hitachi Raid Manager
  • Configuring Array Managers using Hitachi SRA fails
  • In the vmware-dr-X.log file, you see entries similar to:

    --> <Name>discoverArrays</Name>
    [04240 error 'SraCommand' opID=064D2D23-00000022] discoverArrays's stderr:
    --> [RMSRA20]: [XML_name] : discoverArrays
    --> [RMSRA20]: [command_main] : 'discoverArrays' failed with error(0x00000001).
    [04240 info 'SraCommand' opID=064D2D23-00000022] discoverArrays exited with exit code 0
    [04240 verbose 'SraCommand' opID=064D2D23-00000022] discoverArrays responded with:
    [04240 error 'Storage' opID=064D2D23-00000022] SRA command discoverArrays failed: (
    --> commandName = "discoverArrays",
    [04208 verbose 'Storage' opID=DB8FADFC-0000003D] Executing array discovery for new array manager 'HORCMINST=1'
    [04196 info 'SraCommand' opID=DB8FADFC-0000003D] Command line for discoverArrays: "E:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware
    vCenter Site Recovery Manager\external\perl-5.8.8\bin\perl.exe" "E:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware vCenter Site Recovery
    [04196 verbose 'SraCommand' opID=DB8FADFC-0000003D] Input for discoverArrays:
    --> <Name>discoverArrays</Name>


To resolve this issue, set the HORCMROOTD environment variable on the server where vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) is installed by specifying:

setx HORCMROOT E: /m

Also, you must set the path environment variable if the SRM server is running on Windows.
To set the path environment variable:
  1. Right-click My Computer and click Properties.
  2. Click the Advanced tab.
  3. Click Environment Variables.
  4. In the System variables window, scroll down and select Path.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. In the Variable value, append the string setx HORCMROOT E: /m

    Note: Ensure to use a semicolon (;) to separate unique paths.
  7. Click OK to exit properties.
  8. Restart the VMware SRM service.
For more information, see Hitachi Storage Replication Adapter Software - VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager Deployment Guide.

This article is for windows only.   For issues with the SRM appliance please log a new SR with the SRM team.