This will provide example on how to setup SSH for the Unix V2 connector.
This configuration guide is based off of the root user.
Go to : cd ~
Execute : ls -la
Go to : cd .ssh (if this folder does not exist then perform the following code: mkdir .ssh)
Execute : ssh -keygen -t rsa
Enter file in which to save the key: Left default
Enter pass-phrase: Either blank or enter a password.
Execute ssh-copy-id root@hostname
Execute : ls -la
Confirm that you have a authorized_keys file
Should you not execute the following: mv .ssh/authorized_keys
Execute chmod 644 authorized_keys
NOTE: If you grant more permissions than 644 authentication will fail.
execute cd ..
You should now be in the home directory (cd ~)
Execute ls -la
The permissions for .ssh should not exceed 755
Execute chmod 755 .ssh
execute chmod go-w ~/
Once complete we will confirm we can log in.
Example ssh root@hostname
Note: if everything is done right it should ask you for your passphrase if you configured one. If you didn't you should log straight in.