Storage vMotion or Cloning a 1TB or bigger VM from NFS to vVOL Datastore fails with the Error "Error caused by file <path to 1TB vmdk>"
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Storage vMotion or Cloning a 1TB or bigger VM from NFS to vVOL Datastore fails with the Error "Error caused by file <path to 1TB vmdk>"


Article ID: 332581


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


1. Unable to clone a VM having 1TB vmdk to a vVOL datastores.
2. If you clone the same VM to a NFS datastore then the error doesn't occur.
3. When you clone a smaller VM (tried 60GB) to the same vVOL datastore then it works fine also.
4. Directly creating 1TB VM on vVOL Datastore works fine

Log Snippets

Snippet from vvold logs
2017-12-12T15:28:00.721Z 176988:VVolMount:2329: VVolMount@2329:Lookup was sent friendly name test
2017-12-12T15:28:00.743Z 176988:VVOLLIB : VVolLibConvertSoapFault:1406: client.VvolLibDoRetryCheckAndUpdateError failed with a fault
2017-12-12T15:28:00.743Z 176988:VVOLLIB : VVolLibConvertVvolStorageFault:902: Storage Fault NOT_FOUND (13): Empty response
2017-12-12T15:28:00.743Z 176988:VVOLLIB : VVolLib_FriendlyNameToUUID:4455: QueryUUIDByName (test) Failed with not found
2017-12-12T15:28:00.743Z 176988:VVolMount:2337: VVolMount@2337:VVolLib_FriendlyNameToUUID(9b612f0b-####-####-####-########440/test) returned error No VVol found for the specified VVol ID
2017-12-12T15:43:06.807Z 177295:VVOLLIB : VVolLibConvertSoapFault:1406: client.VvolLibDoRetryCheckAndUpdateError failed with a fault
2017-12-12T15:43:06.807Z 177295:VVOLLIB : VVolLibConvertVvolStorageFault:902: Storage Fault INVALID_ARGUMENT (9):
2017-12-12T15:43:06.807Z 177295:VVOLLIB : VVolLib_Open:9037: Could not bind VVol naa.600601605ab04600a9d224fdf61647d1 failed with error (Bad Parameter)
2017-12-12T15:43:06.807Z 177295:VVolMount:2384: VVolMount@2384:Could not open the VVol 'naa.600601605ab04600a9d224fdf61647d1' (No such file or directory)

Retried again with a different VM

2018-01-11T11:30:51.402Z info vpxa[721CB70] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs opID=23903a39-####-####-####-########4bc-246086-h5c:70007975-f-01-d8] SynologyNasPlugin: remote mount point:/vol/nfsempire_h1/nfsempire_h1
2018-01-11T11:30:51.402Z info vpxa[721CB70] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs opID=23903a39-####-####-####-########4bc-246086-h5c:70007975-f-01-d8] SynologyNasPlugin: file size:126879293138277
2018-01-11T11:30:51.402Z info vpxa[721CB70] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs opID=23903a39-####-####-####-########4bc-246086-h5c:70007975-f-01-d8] SynologyNasPlugin: Failed to lookup FD for DE-BATCH-01 (Test Acc)/DE-BATCH-01 (Test Acc)_1-flat.vmdk (create=FALSE, guarded=FALSE). Error 20 (RPC=10 NFS=0). 
2018-01-11T11:30:51.428Z info vpxa[721CB70] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs opID=23903a39-####-####-####-########4bc-246086-h5c:70007975-f-01-d8] SynologyNasPlugin: file size:126879293138277
2018-01-11T11:30:51.428Z info vpxa[721CB70] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs opID=23903a39-####-####-####-########4bc-246086-h5c:70007975-f-01-d8] SynologyNasPlugin: Failed to lookup FD for DE-BATCH-01 (Test Acc)/DE-BATCH-01 (Test Acc)_2-flat.vmdk (create=FALSE, guarded=FALSE). Error 20 (RPC=10 NFS=0).


VMware vSphere 6.5.x


Synology plugin was blocking the operation

Point number 3 in the below article talks about the issue


Upgrade Synology plug-in.

Uninstall the Synology plug-in from the Host and then try cloning.