Business Unit mapping will be lost during vRB Upgrade
Article ID: 332391
Updated On:
VMware Aria Suite
Symptoms: Business Unit mapping will not be retained once you unregister vRB from vRA
vRB unregestration from vRA is causing vcac_user_consumer_mapping table to clear the data which is resulting in loosing BU mapping association
Perform these steps before unregestering vRB from vRA while upgrading:
1. Take a snapshot of vRB. 2. Take backup of BU mapping table as below: # export PGPASSWORD=`grep 'jdbc.password=\K.*' /usr/local/tomcat/itbm-server/conf/ -Po` # /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/pg_dump --data-only -U itfm_cloud_admin -d postgres -t vcac_user_consumer_mapping > /root/backup.sql 3. Unregister vRB from vRA. Upgrade it and register back. 4. Delete empty BU mapping table after upgrade as below: # /usr/ITFM-Cloud/va-tools/bin/ # delete from vcac_user_consumer_mapping; # \q 5. Restore the BU mapping table taken before upgrade as below: # export PGPASSWORD=`grep 'jdbc.password=\K.*' /usr/local/tomcat/itbm-server/conf/ -Po` # /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -U itfm_cloud_admin -d postgres -f /root/backup.sql