What is required to configure the interface between CA SYSVIEW and CA SYSVIEW for DB2 (Formerly known as Insight for DB2)?
CA SYSVIEW Performance Management
To access SYSVIEW for DB2 via SYSVIEW, there needs to be a Passticket set up.
PassTicket setup requires three parties to be in synch: SYSVIEW, XNET and the Security Subsystem (ACF2, Top Secret, RACF).
From a SYSVIEW perspective, the SYSVIEW DB2 parmlib member,needs updated, specifically the XNET-PassTicketApplId and XNET-Port parameters will need modified.
XNET-Port specifies the TCP/IP port used to connect to the Xnet address space.
Configuring the z/OS Xnet Server is detailed in the Database Management Solutions for DB2 for z/OS manual.
This XNET-Port value must match the value specified by the Xnet PORT parameter. A value of 0 (the default) prevents any attempt to connect to the Xnet address space.
XNET-PassTicketApplId specifies the application name that is to be used to generate user PassTickets that are used to connect to the Xnet address space.
This name must match the name specified in the Xnet PASSNAME parameter. There is no default.
If you plan on using this functionality, you will be required to have a PassTicket set up.
The setup for this is detailed in the SYSVIEW Performance Management manual.