This is a known issue.
To work around this issue, use one of these options:
- Ensure that the macOS 10.14.5 or above host to which Fusion is deployed has Internet access.
- When preparing the "Deploy VMware Fusion.mpkg" for mass deployment, perform the following steps to staple notary ticket to the "VMware" inside the "Deploy VMware Fusion.mpkg":
- In Terminal, change directory to where the "Deploy VMware Fusion.mpkg" is located.
- In Terminal, run the command:
/Applications/ staple "Deploy VMware Fusion.mpkg/Contents/00Fusion_Deployment_Items/VMware"
The command returns "The staple and validate action worked!"
Notes: The version of the Xcode application must be 10.1 or above.
- Use the "Deploy VMware Fusion.mpkg" to deploy Fusion to macOS 10.14.5 or above host. The deployed Fusion can launch kernel extensions and power on virtual machine even when the host has no Internet access.