Error loading Agent.jar
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Error loading Agent.jar


Article ID: 33232


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CA Application Performance Management Agent (APM / Wily / Introscope) INTROSCOPE


When enabling APM Java Agent within JVM arguments for an Application Server this error is being logged:

Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : /opt/tools/introscope/example/wily/Agent.jar

Error occurred during initialization of VM agent library failed to init: instrument

In addition no Agent logs are being created.



Release: APM 10.x


There are multiple reasons that could cause this issue/error to show up during initialization of JVM such as:

  • Corrupted Agent binaries (Agent.jar) either because of corrupted install or non binary FTP transfer when copying from other machine
  • Incorrect path to the Agent.jar
  • Incorrect permissions
  • JVM incompatibility with APM Java Agent


Unix user id that was running the application server didn't have read permissions to the top level Agent installation directory, as a result of which it was failing to load the Agent.jar. Providing required read/write/execute permissions on the Agent install folder should address the issue.