The SAM Logs rolling without cause in linux or the SAM logs are not retaining proper names. This often appears that the log files have a date.time appended to them rather then a custom log naming or the standard 001, 002, ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root amer 209836584 May 17 21:41 SAM.log.038-20150517
-rw-r--r-- 1 root amer 854299992 May 18 23:10 SAM.log-20140518
-rw-r--r-- 1 root amer 465201195 May 19 10:27 SAM.log-20140519
-rw-r--r-- 1 root amer 209890427 May 19 13:24 SAM.log.039-20140519
-rw-r--r-- 1 root amer 209799072 May 19 17:58 SAM.log.040-20140519
Where are other configuration files are kept?
What is contained in the default configuration file?
Information in the default configuration file ( /etc/logrotate.conf ) are the default values. Information in other configuration files overrides these default values.
How are configuration files for logrotate organized?
Default values are kept in /etc/logrotate.conf. Configuration files for specific services are kept in /etc/logrotate.d. Settings specified in service-specific configuration file override default value specified in /etc/logrotate.conf
Delete (or comment out the content) the appropriate file from /etc/logrotate.d.