Smarts SAM: How to allow users to use the server and client tools which is already configured in the SAM Server from both the thick Console client and then thin web client
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Smarts SAM: How to allow users to use the server and client tools which is already configured in the SAM Server from both the thick Console client and then thin web client


Article ID: 332236


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How to allow users to use the server and client tools which is already configured in the SAM Server from both the thick Console client and then thin web client

Below are the options which can be opted for adding users to access the existing server and client tools in the SAM server.

Option 1 : Using Global Manager Admin console,

  Click on user profiles and add/remove the required Server or Client tools in the list , by clicking on Modify List.

Option 2 : Using SAM web console , the client tools can be used in webconsole for the existing users by below setting :

To enable the client Tool for the webconsole, set the following 2 properties in the of the system where tomcat server is running. In a default installation of the webconsole, the Webconsole.propertes file is located at:


Open the file and add the following lines:


The subdirectory "actions\client" is appended to the com.smarts.webconsole.sitemode parameter, so the client tools will be picked up from "C:\InCharge\CONSOLE\smarts\actions\client" location of the windows system where the webconsole is being launched.

So make sure that "actions\client" directory is there. Also, the webconsole will not pick any other clientTools from the local directory.

Finally, as Java does not support windows style path separator, please set siteMod value as following example:
