EMC Smarts SAM: How to increase the limit of the varbinds for the traps processed by the SAM trap adapter?
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EMC Smarts SAM: How to increase the limit of the varbinds for the traps processed by the SAM trap adapter?


Article ID: 332235


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VMware Smart Assurance



How to increase the limit for the varbinds?
What is the default limit for the varbinds?
Is it possible to increase the number of varbinds for the traps which are being processed by the trap adapter?

some of the incoming traps contain up to 30 varbinds, but the trap_mgr_parse.asl script is hard coded to handle a max of 20 varbinds per trap.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The trap_mgr_parse.asl ruleset file needs to be customized to handle the extra varbinds. 

By default only 20 varbinds variables are available. However, below is how we can customize the trap_mgr_parse.asl to support 30 VARBINDS:
persistentAdapter->setVariable("V20", "") ? IGNORE;
Add similar statements upto V30 just below it.
persistentAdapter->setVariable("V21", "") ? IGNORE;
persistentAdapter->setVariable("V22", "") ? IGNORE;
persistentAdapter->setVariable("V30", "") ? IGNORE;
persistentAdapter->setVariable("OID20", "") ? IGNORE;
Follow similar steps as mentioned for VARBIND for OID to add lines to support till OID30.
persistentAdapter->setVariable("OID21", "") ? IGNORE;
persistentAdapter->setVariable("OID30", "") ? IGNORE;
if (defined(Varbinds[19])) {
persistentAdapter->setVariable("V20", Varbinds[19]) ? IGNORE;
persistentAdapter->setVariable("OID20", Oids[19]) ? IGNORE;
Add similar lines just below upto 30.
if (defined(Varbinds[20])) {
persistentAdapter->setVariable("V21", Varbinds[20]) ? IGNORE;
persistentAdapter->setVariable("OID21", Oids[20]) ? IGNORE;
if (defined(Varbinds[29])) {
persistentAdapter->setVariable("V30", Varbinds[29]) ? IGNORE;
persistentAdapter->setVariable("OID30", Oids[29]) ? IGNORE;