Smarts SAM: Webconsole does not display notifications; Web Console blanks screen
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Smarts SAM: Webconsole does not display notifications; Web Console blanks screen


Article ID: 332232


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VMware Smart Assurance



User has a huge number of notifications in their SAM domain (~60k).

The user can open the SAM Console (thick client) and view these notifications after a small delay processing the notifications.

However, when the user opens the Smarts SAM Web Console(thin client), the notifications will not show. The screen remains blank after the message which says:

Processed xxxx Notifications


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Java is running out of memory, thus it is unable to load all of the notifications from SAM in the webconsole.


Please add the following parameter  -Xmx1024M to the JRE Settings on the Windows machine running the thin client.

Proceed as follows:

Start -> Control Panel -> Java -> Java Tab -> Click View button.

In the User tab for the 1.7 platform, click on the Runtime Parameters field to add the following:


Then click ok, close whichever browser you were using then re-open it and try loading the webconsole again.