Smarts Server Manager(Smarts ESM): User seeing duplicate environmental alarms from Smarts ESM and Smarts IP. How to disable environmental polling from ESM? What is the function of the flag "IsEnvironmentDiscoveryEnabled"?
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Smarts Server Manager(Smarts ESM): User seeing duplicate environmental alarms from Smarts ESM and Smarts IP. How to disable environmental polling from ESM? What is the function of the flag "IsEnvironmentDiscoveryEnabled"?


Article ID: 332225


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VMware Smart Assurance



We are seeing duplicate environmental alarms from Smarts ESM and Smarts IP.

How to disable environmental polling from ESM so that duplicate alarms do not occur? What is the purpose of the IsEnvironmentDiscoveryEnabled flag in Smarts Server Manager


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Certain components such as CPU CurrentUtilization, Memory Utilization and Network Interface Utilization can be polled by both Smarts IP and Smarts ESM so the devices can be in effect double polled. This can result in multiple alarms for the same device.

In ESM 9.2 a new flag called IsEnvironmentDiscoveryEnabled was introduced.

To prevent doubling polling and duplicate alarms this you can change this flag to FALSE. 

The following is an extract from the Smarts Server Manager User and Configuration Guide which contains more details:

Both Server Manager and IP Domain Manager have similar capabilities for discovering and monitoring resource and environment entities via SNMP for Hosts. To avoid duplicate discovery and monitoring of Resource/Environment entities which results in duplicate notifications, configure the Server Manager differently depending on how the IP Domain Manager is deployed.

If the IP Domain Manager is started as an IP Availability Manager, it does not perform any resource or environment discovery. In this case, enable the resource and environment discovery in Server Manager. Modify the ESM.import file to change the parameters to TRUE.

If the IP Domain Manager is started as an IP Availability and Performance Manager, it performs both resource and environment discovery and monitoring. In this case, disable the resource and environment discovery in Server Manager. Modify the ESM.import file to change the parameters to FALSE if they are already enabled.