Smarts IP
push.conf configuration file has not been configured. If you want to include custom polling groups so that Smarts IP Configuration Manager will push the custom polling group to the IP domains, the
push.conf configuration file must contain each custom class used and its attributes.
For example, the
push.conf file contains the following entry by default that defines the Performance Polling for Ports and Interfaces. This is one of the default classes that is recognized in the Smarts IP Polling Groups:
# Performance Polling - Ports and Interfaces
class NetworkAdapter_PerformancePolling_Setting
attr AnalysisMode
attr PollingInterval
attr PollingInterval_AccessPorts
attr Retries
attr Timeout
The Smarts IP Configuration Manager will push the settings that relate to the above Polling Group with no custom configuration required.
However, if a dynamically created class includes a custom Polling Group with instrumented settings, unless it is configured in the
push.conf file, the Smarts IP Configuration Manager will not be aware of this custom Polling Group and the Configuration Manager log files will not show any errors specifically related to the dynamic class that you are attempting to push to the IP domains.