To get VLAN utilization to show on the inividual VLANS a change must be made to the tpmgr-param.conf file. Below is an excerpt from a working 9.2.2 IP domain.
Example modification to tpmgr-param.conf:
# ExcludePerfInstDescPattern is used to disable creating performance instrumentation
# for those interface which is having "VLAN" in its description.
# By default we exclude performance instrumenting for interface having VLAN as its description.
# Current utilization will be populated only if the Performance instrumentation is created.
# The description added below are not case sensitive # In case if you want to performance instrument these #interface, just prefix a "~"(tilde symbol) to the below description pattern.
# Eg: ExcludePerfInstDescPattern-. ~*VLAN*|~*TUNNEL*
# NOTE: The below attribute is SysOID specific, if you want to apply this for entire topology, then #comment the SysOID specific flag and then uncomment the global (i.e ExcludePerfInstDescPattern) flag. This will #apply the settings for all the Interface/Port whose description contains VLAN. Below example to enable #performance instrumentation for all devices with interface /port having VLAN is its Description
# Eg: ExcludePerfInstDescPattern ~*VLAN* #
# Also note that a System restart is a must for this to take in effect. If both the parameters are use (i.e SysOID #specific
# and global) the priority is given to the SysOID specific and the settings will be applied accordingly.
ExcludePerfInstDescPattern-. *VLAN*
#ExcludePerfInstDescPattern *VLAN*