SMARTS IP: How to get VLAN utilization to show; No CurrentUtilization values displayed for VLAN interfaces
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SMARTS IP: How to get VLAN utilization to show; No CurrentUtilization values displayed for VLAN interfaces


Article ID: 332217


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



The goal of this article is to get VLAN utilization to show in SMARTS IP manager

Up to SMARTS IP manager 9.2.1 VLAN utilization was not something that could be seen. The overlaid physical interface utilization could but not the individual VLANS.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


To get VLAN utilization to show on the inividual VLANS a change must be made to the tpmgr-param.conf file. Below is an excerpt from a working 9.2.2 IP domain.
Example modification to tpmgr-param.conf:
# ExcludePerfInstDescPattern is used to disable creating performance instrumentation
# for those interface which is having "VLAN" in its description.
# By default we exclude performance instrumenting for interface having VLAN as its description.
# Current utilization will be populated only if the Performance instrumentation is created.
# The description added below are not case sensitive # In case if you want to performance instrument these #interface, just prefix a "~"(tilde symbol) to the below description pattern.
# Eg: ExcludePerfInstDescPattern-. ~*VLAN*|~*TUNNEL*
# NOTE: The below attribute is SysOID specific, if you want to apply this for entire topology, then #comment the SysOID specific flag and then uncomment the global (i.e ExcludePerfInstDescPattern) flag. This will #apply the settings for all the Interface/Port whose description contains VLAN. Below example to enable #performance instrumentation for all devices with interface /port having VLAN is its Description
# Eg: ExcludePerfInstDescPattern ~*VLAN* #
# Also note that a System restart is a must for this to take in effect. If both the parameters are use (i.e SysOID #specific
# and global) the priority is given to the SysOID specific and the settings will be applied accordingly.
ExcludePerfInstDescPattern-. *VLAN*

#ExcludePerfInstDescPattern *VLAN*