Smarts Failover: Seeing the following error in the Failover log; Warning. Primary SAM was not found. Please verify that all MBIM subscriptions have been failed over successfully. Should we be concerned.
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Smarts Failover: Seeing the following error in the Failover log; Warning. Primary SAM was not found. Please verify that all MBIM subscriptions have been failed over successfully. Should we be concerned.


Article ID: 332213


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



We are observing the following error in the Failover action log.
Error logs:-

failover_actions: 11-Apr-2016 10:28:34 CEST; Failover Actions begin.
failover_actions: 11-Apr-2016 10:28:42 CEST; Successfully registered '' with broker ''.
failover_actions: 11-Apr-2016 10:28:43 CEST; Successfully registered '' with broker ''.
Warning. Primary SAM was not found. Please verify that all MBIM subscriptions have been failed over successfully.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The reason for this error, is that the MBIM server was set to manually fallback.

There is no impact, but merely a warning message because the Primary MBIM was nanually failed over and was in Standby.

Smarts is functioning as designed.