Smarts IP: How to enable IP_Route monitoring for switches
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Smarts IP: How to enable IP_Route monitoring for switches


Article ID: 332210


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VMware Smart Assurance



In the Smarts IP Polling and Thresholds Settings, you may find that Default IP Route Connectivity Polling is not enabled so you cannot see the IPRoute class for the switch.  This article explains how to enable Default IP Route Connectivity Polling for the Switches Group to allow you to see IP_ROUTE for the Switch if the data is available in the Discovery Process

Switch discovered in Smarts IP does not show IPRoute class. 
OIDs for the switch are populated in the snmpwalk file.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Default IP_Route Connectivity Polling must be enabled for Switches class.


To enable Default IP_Route Connectivity Polling for Switches, do the following:
  1. Open the Smarts IP Polling and Thresholds.
  2. Click on Switches in the Polling tab.
  3. Click Default IP_Route Connectivity Polling.
  4. Click on Add > Apply.
  5. Click Reconfigure.
The following shows the Polling and Thresholds Setting required for Switches to enable Default IP_Route Connectivity Polling:

This will enable the IPRoute Class to show for Switches in your IP domain.

The attached document has screenshots included.