VMWare Smart Assurance VoIP-AM: Cisco Publisher CCM5+ is discovered in the VMWare Smart Assurance VoIP AM topology under VoipNetworkService instead of under CallManager; How can I discover it as a Call Manager?
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VMWare Smart Assurance VoIP-AM: Cisco Publisher CCM5+ is discovered in the VMWare Smart Assurance VoIP AM topology under VoipNetworkService instead of under CallManager; How can I discover it as a Call Manager?


Article ID: 332209


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


How can I discover Cisco Publisher CCM5+ as a Call Manager in VMWare Smart Assurance VoIP?

Cisco Publisher CCM5+ is discovered in the VMWare Smart Assurance VoIP AM topology under VoipNetworkService instead of under CallManager.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Call Manager process is not running on the Cisco Publisher.


To discover the Cisco Publisher CCM5+ under CallManager and not VoipNetworkService, do the following:

  1. Open the cisco-ccm-publisher-probe.asl file in the following location using an appropriate editor:

    <BASEDIR>/VOIP/smarts/bin/sm_edit rules/voip/cisco/cisco-ccm-publisher-probe.asl

  2. Find line 68 that has the following:

    ccmPubClass         = "VoipNetworkService";
  3. Change line 68 to the following:
    ccmPubClass         = "CallManager";
  4. Delete the Publisher device from the VoIP Topology.
  5. Rediscover the Publisher in VMWare Smart Assurance IP AMPM.
  6. Verify that the Publisher is now discovered in VoIP under CallManager.