Smarts Server Manager/Smarts SAM: Some Server Manager (ESM) alarms such as "VNICLostConnection" are not showing any ImpactBy Relationships data in Smarts SAM
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Smarts Server Manager/Smarts SAM: Some Server Manager (ESM) alarms such as "VNICLostConnection" are not showing any ImpactBy Relationships data in Smarts SAM


Article ID: 332203


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Smarts Server Manager (ESM) alarms such as the following are seen in Smarts SAM coming from an underlying Smarts Server Manager (ESM) server that do not have any ImpactBy data:
  • VNICLostConnection
  • HostLostConnection
  • VSwitchLostConnection


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The VNICLostConnection, HostLostConnection, and VSwitchLostConnection alarms are not problems or Root causes, but are considered "events" by Smarts. In Smarts terminology, events will not have the impactBy relationship because the event does not represent the root cause. A root cause is something that Smarts calls a "problem", and only problems populate the impactBy list. An investigation into these events may determine that there is an interface DOWN on the host which is causing all the events. However, the events themselves will not contain any impacts as these are not underlying problems or Root causes.


Check if there are any interfaces which are DOWN that are associated with the hostVM generating the events.  An interface DOWN on the HostVm should let you know the reason for the VNICLostConnection or the other events. If you need assistance with this issue, please open a Service Request (SR) with EMC Customer Service (CS) for Smarts through the EMC Online Support site ( or by phone, and reference this article number in your SR.