Smarts NPM : Unable to discover BGP on Cisco ASR-1000 device; ASL_MSG-*-ASLP-discovery/ic-protocol-discovery.asl: DisableProtocolDiscovery is set to TRUE - NPM light discovery is disabled.
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Smarts NPM : Unable to discover BGP on Cisco ASR-1000 device; ASL_MSG-*-ASLP-discovery/ic-protocol-discovery.asl: DisableProtocolDiscovery is set to TRUE - NPM light discovery is disabled.


Article ID: 332183


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Unable to discover BGP on Cisco ASR-1000 device.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Looking at the NPM domain logs we see this error:

[2016/06/29 21:10:44 +073ms] t@2972657408 Discovery #14
ASL_MSG-*-ASLP-discovery/ic-protocol-discovery.asl: DisbaleProtocolDiscovery is set to TRUE - NPM light discovery is disabled.

To test  if this is set in your environment, execute this command at the command line in smarts.

  • Navigate to the <BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/bin
  • ./dmctl -s pdcd06-snmcpe1-ampm0 invoke ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager findParameter DisableProtocolDiscovery
  •  Response should be TRUE or FALSE

If your getting TRUE, then the protocol discovery is disabled and no device will be categorized under the topology collection class.


To resolve this issue, set the parameter (i.e DisableProtocolDiscovery) to FALSE from tpmgr-param.conf and reload the conf file as follows:

./sm_tpmgr -s <IP Manager instance name> --load-conf=tpmgr-param.conf

and then perform a discover All and share us the results.

You should see this in your DMAC console after this is set, and you've started a Discover  all.