VMWare Smart Assurance: Where does brcontrol get the FQDN it uses for its connections?
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VMWare Smart Assurance: Where does brcontrol get the FQDN it uses for its connections?


Article ID: 332179


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VMware Smart Assurance


Where does VMWare Smart Assurance brcontrol get the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of host it uses for its connections?

From the brcontrol output, from where are the hostname entries fetched by smarts
Broker is located at: DFM-DEV-PC1:9002      Started: Jun 14 09:23:22 2011
Domain Host Name     Port     PID State   Last Change Time
------ ----------- ------ ------- ------- --------------------
DFM    DFM-DEV-PC1   5957   24056 RUNNING Jun 14 09:23:47 2011
DFM1  DFM-DEV-PC1   5954   11824 RUNNING Jun 14 09:23:46 2011


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The Hostname is fetched from whereever brstart is started and when domain is registered on the broker, the broker makes a OS call for name resolution by default.  
If we want to change it,  we need to edit the DNS or hosts file from the machine where the brstart started from.
The Hosts file will be located at /etc/hosts for UNIX OS machines and systemroot(C:\WINNT)\system32\drivers\etc for Windows OS.