Smarts IP: Discovery of a device throws the error: "SWFE-E-ESNMPREQUEST-SNMP-GETNEXT Request failed Error Code resourceUnavailable, Agent <OID >"
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Smarts IP: Discovery of a device throws the error: "SWFE-E-ESNMPREQUEST-SNMP-GETNEXT Request failed Error Code resourceUnavailable, Agent <OID >"


Article ID: 332173


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



The device discovers and is added to the topology, but the following error is seen in the device DiscoveryErrorInfo attribute:

SWFE-E-ESNMPREQUEST-SNMP-GETNEXT Request failed: Error Code: resourceUnavailable, Agent: <Agent>, OID <OID>


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The device SNMP agent returned this error message resourceUnavailable while SMARTS IP is trying to get the value of the OID mentioned.

As per RFC 3416 Error Code: resourceUnavailable(13) indicates no system resources are available to perform operation. This indicates a problem with the SNMP process running on device which is unavailable to reply to the SNMP GET request.

Please contact the device vendor for further assistance.