Smarts IP: ESX Servers do not show Memory, So how do I get memory utilization alerts?
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Smarts IP: ESX Servers do not show Memory, So how do I get memory utilization alerts?


Article ID: 332149


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VMware Smart Assurance



ESX 4.0 and ESX 5.x Servers do not display memory separately in the Smarts IP domain topology.  How do I get memory utilization for ESX Servers?   


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


As per IP Cert, hrStorageFixedDisk and hrStorageRamDisk memory types are created as part of filesystem.


The memory data in the snmpagent on the ESX Servers are reported by the Host Resources MIB and contained in the oids below

hrStorageType,<Index> = This response translates to "Real Memory"
hrStorageDescr =  look for the Index that has this value 5265616C204D656D6F7279  the Hex equivalent Real Memory 

The corresponding Index found above should also have values for these three oids as well that smarts will use to calculate utilization.

hrStorageSize = "", 
hrStorageUsed = "", 
hrStorageAllocationUnits = "" 

The snap file that I reviewed reported the following:


As you can see this data is in the Host Resources Storage / Filesystem data.  This is why you will not see memory reflected in the topology for Smarts IP.  The memory is monitored by the following FileSystem_Performance_HostResources instrumentation.

The default Filesystem Performance Thresholds do not include any members by default. To resolve you will need to setup matching criteria in the File Systems.  

Default Threshold values are ModerateUtilizationPct: 80, MaxUtilizationPct: 95 in Smarts IP.   IN P&T of IP domain for FileSystem has matching Criteria as '~' instead of '' hence none of the ESX Servers are members of this group. 

Additional Information

See the current version of the Smarts IP Manager User Guide for information on creating custom Polling and Threshold Groups.