Smarts SAM: Notif (Notification Manager) missing some notifications that should have qualified CausedBy notification
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Smarts SAM: Notif (Notification Manager) missing some notifications that should have qualified CausedBy notification


Article ID: 332147


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VMware Smart Assurance



One noticed that after configuring their Notif to have a CausedBy relationship between the LSP down and the router down events.  Initially they have in place the same relationship between LSP down and router unresponsive events.
The router unresponsive event is held for 5 minutes and the router down is held for 2 minutes. 
Most of the LSP down events are caught but some are falling through and getting to the console (home grown).


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


When one configures Notif (Notification Manager), one can't set two different events such as router down and router unresponsive to be cause of a single event such as LSP down.


One cannot create a relationship of a down event to have two different causedby events. Users removed the newly configured relationship event for the LSP down event.