Smarts IP: Cannot start Smarts IP Configuration Manager as service in Unix, even following the Smarts IP documentation
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Smarts IP: Cannot start Smarts IP Configuration Manager as service in Unix, even following the Smarts IP documentation


Article ID: 332130


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Receive the following errors when trying to install Smarts IP Configuration Manager as a service:

[February 13, 2014 12:27:41 PM CST +764ms] t@817899840 TimedQueue #1
SMS-N-LOG_TRANS-Service IC-CONFIG-MGR has transitioned from state STARTING to state RUNNING via event Start Time 2
[February 13, 2014 12:27:44 PM CST +418ms] t@815798592 ServerQueue #1
SMS-N-LOG_TRANS-Service IC-CONFIG-MGR has transitioned from state RUNNING to state NOT RUNNING via event Termination
[February 13, 2014 12:27:44 PM CST +419ms] t@815798592 ServerQueue #1
SMS-N-LOG_UNEXPECTEDTERMINATION-Service IC-CONFIG-MGR has terminated unexpectedly



VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The Smarts IP installation guide shows the same sm_service command to use for Unix as it does for Windows.

IP Configuration Manager
UNIX /opt/InCharge/IP/smarts/bin/sm_service install
"--name=EMC Smarts IP Configuration Manager"
"--description=EMC Smarts IP Configuration Manager"

However, the documentation is incorrect. The install command will not work in Unix with sm_server.exe, only sm_server.


Remove the"exe" from the sm_server.exe line, and run the install command. The following shows an example of a command that will work in Unix:

./sm_service install --name=IC-Config MGR
/InCharge/IP/smarts/bin/sm_server -c icf-c --bootstrap=bootstrap.conf --output --subscribe=default --ignore-restore-errors --nodx