Smarts SAM/Smarts BIM: Cannot enable Maintenance for Business Impact Manager (BIM) after reboot; Receive "Enable Maintenance operation failed: SVIF-N-ESERVERUNAVAIL-Remote server is unavailable" error
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Smarts SAM/Smarts BIM: Cannot enable Maintenance for Business Impact Manager (BIM) after reboot; Receive "Enable Maintenance operation failed: SVIF-N-ESERVERUNAVAIL-Remote server is unavailable" error


Article ID: 332119


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Cannot enable Maintenance for Smarts SAM Business Impact Manager

The following error is received after Smarts SAM restart when attempting to enable Maintenance for INCHARGE-SA:

Enable Maintenance operation failed:
SVIF-N-ESERVERUNAVAIL-Remote server is unavailable


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


If you encounter this issue, do the following:
  1. Start the Smarts Business Impact Manager (BIM) server.
  2. Add the Smarts BIM domain to the SAM domain as follows:
    1. Go to the following location in the Smarts SAM console:
Global Manager Administration Console > ICS Configuration > IC Domain Configuration > Domains
  1. Create a listing for the MBIM domain as <mbim domain name> of type INCHARGE-MBIM
  2. Open a new SAM console and attach to the MBIM domain.
  1. Add the SAM domain as a topology source as follows:
    1. Go to Configure > Domain Manager Administration Console.
    2. Select the BIM server.
    3. Go to Topology > Add Source.
    4. Insert the SAM domain name.