The settings in the alertmapper.conf configuration file determine how events coming from Microsoft OpsMgr are mapped into the Smarts SAM console.
There are four sections/types of entries in the alertmapper.conf file.
The following presents the considerations and examples for configuring entries in the different sections of the alertmapper.conf file.
Default section
Customers should set the default section to set variables and mappings that are common for most of the events. These may be overridden by subsequent templates or rules.
Template section
A template entry can either inherit directly from the default settings, or inherit from another template. Let's examine the following example:
Template GenericTemplate
UserDefined1 = "This is the base template"
UserDefined2 = "This is the base template sub-definition"
Template SoftwareService extends GenericTemplate
UserDefined1 = "This is a software Service"
Template HardwareRouter extends GenericTemplate
UserDefined1 = "This is a hardware router"
UserDefined2 = "This is hardware router sub-definition"
Note the following about the above example:
Rules section
The Rules section is where Operations Manager events are mapped to Smarts SAM notifications. The system will process the rules in the order in which they are present in the alertmapper.conf file. Once a rule is matched, no further rules are processed. Therefore, the rules should go from most specific to least specific. The following is an example of a rules section:
Test E_ClassName == 'Microsoft.Windows.InternetInformationServices.2003.WebSite'
Use DefaultOpsMgrTemplate
ClassName = "SoftwareService"
ClassDisplayName = ClassName
EventName = E_EventName
CreateClassName = "Host"
CreateClassInstance = ComputerName
Test E_ClassName == 'Microsoft.Windows.Computer'
Use HostPerformanceTemplate
Test E_ClassName =* 'Microsoft.*'
Use DefaultOpsMgrTemplate
Test E_ClassName =* 'TCPPortCheck_*Group'
V_CreateNotification = "FALSE"
Test E_ClassName =* 'TCPPortCheck_*'
Use DefaultOpsMgrTemplate
ClassName = "SoftwareService"
ClassDisplayName = ClassName
EventName = "${E_EventName}-${E_InstanceName}"
CreateClassName = "Host"
CreateClassInstance = ComputerName
In the above example, note the following:
Finally section
There is only one entry in the "Finally" section. This is the action to be taken if the event did not match any of the specified rules. Common options here are to use the generic template, or more often set the V_CreateNotification to FALSE.