Smarts SAM: What is the role of ElementClassName in the trap definition? How to generate Device Name and Device IP in the Notification via Trap?
Article ID: 332098
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VMware Smart Assurance
What is the role of ElementClassName in the trap definition? Which Parameters need to be checked in order to diagnose if a Trap appears in log but not the console.
VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS
The Element of a given Smarts SAM Notification is set to the relationship that exists between the notification and the object it OccurredOn. The ElementClassName andElementName are computed over the related object. The ElementClassName and ElementClass are dependent on what you are importing from IP.
The ElementClassName attributes should only be used when the UnknownAgent value in the trap_mgr.conf configuration file is set to CREATE. Also, when these attributes are used, the ElementClassName must be a class of UnitaryComputerSystem. The trap_mgr.conf configuration file is found here:
Adding ElementClassNameto the custom trap, helps SMARTS identify the type of Device and propagate the trap details to the Notification Log Console. Below is the correct trap definition to achieve the same :