Smarts IP: How does Smarts IP calculate Processor CurrentUtilization for Juniper SA6500 (SysOID: .
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Smarts IP: How does Smarts IP calculate Processor CurrentUtilization for Juniper SA6500 (SysOID: .


Article ID: 332080


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Smarts IP calculates Processor CurrentUtilization using the difference/delta between the following three counter value OIDs on consecutive polling cycles:

ssCpuRawIdle = ""
ssCpuRawUser = ""
ssCpuRawSystem = ""

deltaCpuRawIdle   =  (ssCpuRawIdle at time Tn-1) - (ssCpuRawIdle at time Tn)
deltaCpuRawUser   =  (ssCpuRawUser at time Tn-1) - (ssCpuRawUser at time Tn)
deltaCpuRawSystem =  (deltaCpuRawSystem at time Tn-1) - (deltaCpuRawSystem at time Tn)

    * Tn = the time of most recent polling cycle
    * Tn-1 = the time of the previous polling cycle

CurrentUtilization = 100 - ( (100 * deltaCpuRawIdle) / (deltaCpuRawIdle + deltaCpuRawUser + deltaCpuRawSystem) )