How to make mass SYSNAME field changes to a VM:Schedule database file, IRBDB.
The VMDCHSYS utility allows you to make mass system name changes to your VM:Schedule database file, the VMSCHED IRBDB. Use this utility to change to new system names when you are renaming SSI members. Also use this utility to prepare a database for merging with others when converting VM:Schedule to Single System Image mode.
The system names supplied to this utility are not validated. Therefore, you can change system names in the database before changing your SSI member system names. Because the names are not validated, make sure that you are using the correct new system name.
The VMDCHSYS utility resides on the product’s RUNTIME disk, usually the 192, so you must link to that disk to have access to the utility. You can run the utility on the VMSCHED service machine but the product must be shut down to do so.
For more information, see Database Utilities in the VM:Schedule Administrators Guide, found at: