Smarts IP: What is the new AggregateInterface class in 9.4 patch 1?
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Smarts IP: What is the new AggregateInterface class in 9.4 patch 1?


Article ID: 332073


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VMware Smart Assurance



There is a new class called AggregateInterface in the Smarts 9.4 Suite patch 1


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


It is a new class designed to support Layer 3 port channel aggregation similar to AggregatePorts which are already part of the code.
Earlier version of SMARTS created AggregatePort from both ports and Intefaces.This AggregatePort was derived from Port class and hence some of the interface properties were not created.

The product was enhanced to support layer 3 aggregation through the same LACP protocol for interfaces

When an interface index is is represented in the LACP MIB and if that was created as an interface, then we create AggregateInterfaces instead of AggregatePorts 

All events associated with AggregatePort are applicable to AggregateInterface, so the event UnbalancedAdapterUtilization will be the same for AggregateInterface as well.

AggregatePorts will compose of Ports and AggregateInterface will compose of Interfaces only.

The class  AggregateInterface  when expanded will only show up AggregateInterface instances.

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