Smarts IP: Can I change the "IsRoot" and "IsProblem" Performance Alarms to "IsProblem=TRUE" ?
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Smarts IP: Can I change the "IsRoot" and "IsProblem" Performance Alarms to "IsProblem=TRUE" ?


Article ID: 332064


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VMware Smart Assurance



Can I change the "IsRoot" and "IsProblem" Smarts Performance Alarms to "IsProblem=TRUE" ?

Performance alarms (Fan,Memory,Voltage Sensor, Power Supply) are coming up as IsRoot=TRUE and IsProblem=FALSE


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The IsProblem attribute values "YES" or "NO" depends on whether generated event is a "PROBLEM" or not. If IsProblem attributes value is "YES" that indicates if (and only if) at least one of the source event types is PROBLEM, and other source event types are either PROBLEM or UNKNOWN. But If IsProblem attributes value is "NO" this indicates that one or more of the source event types is EVENT or AGGREGATE. 

1. The attribute "IsRoot" set to Yes indicates that the faults are root causes, and attribute "IsProblem" set to No indicates that the root causes were not diagnosed by IP. 2. IsProblem "yes" and IsRoot "yes" => Indicates that this notification is a root-cause problem diagnosed by an underlying Domain Manager using event-correlation analysis. [Does not apply to IP Performance Manager.] 3. IsProblem "no" and IsRoot "yes" => Indicates that this notification is an event computed by an underlying Domain Manager when a certain polled metric equals or exceeds a threshold. The event is a root cause unto itself. 4. IsProblem "no" and IsRoot "no" => Indicates that this notification is either an impact event generated by an underlying Domain Manager or an informational event originating from the managed network and forwarded by the underlying Domain Manager to the Global Manager. [Does not apply to IP Performance Manager.] This is as per design and can't be changed.