Smarts SAM: The sm_ems command does not clear a notification which is in the INACTIVE and UNINITIATED state; How can I clear it?
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Smarts SAM: The sm_ems command does not clear a notification which is in the INACTIVE and UNINITIATED state; How can I clear it?


Article ID: 332063


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VMware Smart Assurance



How do I clear a notification which is INACTIVE, in an UNINITIALIZED state in Smarts SAM?

If you use the following command with the example given from the <SMARTS>/bin directory :

root@SMARTS bin #sm_ems -s <DOMAIN> clear <CLASS> <NAME> Impacted 

root@SMARTS bin #sm_ems -s SAM clear Router XYZ123 Impacted 

You might receive the following error message: 
Error message: CLI-E-NOTIFICATION_NOT_FOUND-Notification Not found for the given class 'Router' name 'XYZ123' event 'Impacted'. 


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


It is usually a trap processing that is not handle properly.

You cannot use the sm_ems command because the syntax is as follows:

sm_ems -s <DOMAIN> clear <class> <name> <event> <src>

There is no source domain in the above Issue example, so the error is received.


To clear these kind of notifications in your domain, you can use the following DMCTL command from the <Smarts>/bin directory:

root@SMARTS bin #dmctl -s <DOMAIN> invoke ICS_NotificationFactory::ICS-NotificationFactory \archiveNotification \ICS_Notification::<NOTIFICATION_INSTANCE> \<User> \"Archived this alarm"